Unlocking the Future:

Unlocking the Future:

Exploring the Latest
Trends in
Electric Drive

Downloads 2023

We try to include all presentations in this download area in their full versions.
However, we are only allowed to provide you with the scientific contributions as a printed version.
Please note that industrial contributions of this year's EDPC conference edition may be delayed as some presentations are going through an intensive approval process by external companies until they reach us in order to be uploaded. Thus, please check regularly for new speaker's presentations in our download area. 

Moreover, please note that we cannot take responsibility for any differences between printed articles and presentations delivered orally. It is up to the speakers to decide on the content of the presentations they release for publication. Thank you for your understanding!

The information, images, and/or data contained in this download is copyrighted by the author and conference organizer and may not be distributed, modified, reproduced in whole or in part by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without prior written permission.