
Discover the event

The International Program Committee (IPC) for the Electric Drives Production Conference is comprised of renowned experts in the field of electric drives from across the world. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the conference stays at the forefront of the latest developments and trends in electric drives production.

The IPC is responsible for developing the conference program, selecting speakers, and reviewing research papers to ensure that the conference provides valuable insights and knowledge to attendees. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, the IPC ensures that the conference covers a wide range of topics, including winding technologies, analysis and measurement technologies, insulation technologies, and much more.

By bringing together experts from academia, industry, and research organizations, the IPC ensures that the Electric Drives Production Conference is a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration. Join us at the conference to hear from these experts and learn about the latest trends and innovations in the electric drives industry.

International Program Commitee

Prof. Abele E.
TU Darmstadt (DE)

Baumueller A.
Baumueller GmbH (DE)

Dr. Brandes J.
Siemens AG (DE)

Prof. Ceglarec D.
University of Warwick (UK)

Prof. Covic G.
University of Auckland (NZ)

Dr. Dobroschke A.
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG (DE)

Prof. Doppelbauer M.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)

Prof. Ehmann B.
University of Queensland (AU)

Prof. Fleischer J.
Karlsruhe Insititute of Technology (DE)

Prof. Gerling D.
Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen (DE)

Dr. Gläßel, T.
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co KG (DE)

Dr. Goth C.
Vitesco Technologies Germany GmbH(DE)

Prof. Haerri V.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (CH)

Prof. Hameyer K.
RWTH Aachen (DE)

Prof. Hu J.
University of Michigan (US)

Dr. Hubert M.
Valeo eAutomotive Germany GmbH (DE)

Dr. Junker S.
Robert Bosch GmbH (DE)

Prof. Kampker A.
RWTH Aachen (DE)

Prof. Kolar J.
ETH Zuerich (CH)

Kudsi M.
Bühler Motor GmbH (DE)

Prof. Mebolt M.
ETH Zuerich (CH)

Prof. Meins J.
TU Braunschweig (DE)

Dr. Meyer A.
WITTENSTEIN cyber motor GmbH (DE)

Prof. Mi C.
University of Michigan (US)

PD Dr. Moeckel A.
TU Ilmenau (DE)

Prof. Muetze A.
TU Graz (AT)

Noguchi K.
Aichi Steel Corporation (JP)

Dr. Ombach G.
Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH (DE)

Prof. Parspour N.
University of Stuttgart (DE)

Pollmeier S.
VDE Power Engineering Society (DE)

Raßmann A.

Prof. Reinhart G.
Technical University of Munich (DE)

Dr. Risch F.

Prof. Rudolph C.
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (DE)

Dr. Sakki R.
ABB Ltd (FI)

Dr. Schencke T.
INA - Drives & Mechatronics AG & Co. KG (DE)

Prof. Shinohara N.
Kyoto University (JP)

Prof. Schmidt M.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)

Dr. Spahr M.
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG (DE)

Prof. Stadler, A.
Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts (DE)

Prof. Suh I.-S.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KR)

Dr. Turki F.
Paul Vahle GmbH & Co. KG, Kamen (DE)

Prof. Urban N.
Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DE)

Prof. Verl A.
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (DE)

Dr. Vitek O.
Brno University of Technology (CZ)

Prof. Voigt K.-I.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)

Prof. Volk W.
Technical University of Munich (DE)

Dr. Waasner M.
Gebr. Waasner GmbH (DE)

Wendl C.
ABM Greiffenberger Antriebstechnik GmbH (DE)

Prof. Werner R.
TU Chemnitz (DE)

Local Organizing Committee

Prof. Becker S.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)

Prof. Hanenkamp N.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)

Prof. Dietz A.
Technische Hochschule Nuernberg (DE)

Prof. Kremser A.
Technische Hochschule Nuernberg (DE)

Prof. Drummer D.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)

Dr. Kuehl A.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)

Prof. Feldmann K.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)

Prof. Willner K.
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE)